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Here are my journal publications:
        S Coombes, N A Venkov, L Shiau, I Bojak, D T J Liley and C R Laing 2007 Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations, Physical Review E, Vol 76, 051901-8. (preprint) (journal open access)
        N A Venkov, S Coombes and P C Matthews 2007 Dynamic instabilities in scalar neural field equations with space-dependent delays, Physica D, Vol 232, 1-15. (preprint) (journal)
I was asked to write a review of the recent book Rebecca Hoyle, Pattern Formation: Introduction to Methods for the December issue of Nonlinear News UK.
I got an Andrew Henry Scholarship from the University "in recognition of outstanding progress made by the recipient in his or her own research", along with Alejandro Satz from the Quantum Gravity group! I am not sure on which page I should put this, but it's good to show for the future employers. ; )
Get my Ph.D. dissertation (pdf file) and the accompanying numerical code (rar archive).